A Smarter AoE projektről

Key project facts

Duration: 30 months (1. 1. 2022 – 30. 06. 2024)

Total budget: 1.27 mio EUR (390.000 EUR of financial support to 3rd party beneficiaries)

Project aim: Addressing specific needs of tourism SMEs (Small and Mid-size Enterprises) located in rural areas in the field of digitalization.

Project objective: Establishing an international ecosystem of tourism SMEs in the Amazon of Europe (AoE) and other Biosphere Reserves to boost social, digital and ecological innovation through collaboration, capacity building and digital transformation.

Project partners

Result Computer Systems (lead partner)


Institute Iskriva


Pomurje Technology Park


Business Incubator BIOS Osijek


West Pannon Nonprofit Ltd.


Tourism organization of Vojvodina


Institute 22


Romanian Hotel Industry Federation


Bulgarian-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry


Main project goals regarding tourism SMEs

  • Support SMEs (tourism service providers) along the AoE Bike Trail: accommodations, attractions, etc.
  • Increase their market visibility and marketing skills
  • Enhance their digital skills in their everyday business
  • Raise their awareness in environmental aspects (ecological footprint)
  • Establish an international ecosystem of tourism SMEs
  • Pilot actions – Montenegro, Bulgaria, Romania – testing transferability of the actions implemented in the Amazon of Europe area

Cooperation opportunities for tourism SMEs

  • AoE Hub
  • AoE akadémia
  • Financial support to tourism SMEs – public call